As we live with 3 flatmates that came from Venezuela, 4 from Spain and, until one month ago, 1 from Columbia, we have the opportunity to taste a lot of new dishes, and those who know us, can imagine that we never let this opportunity slip!This evening, for the second time, we have tasted the “Arepa”, a typical Columbian/Venezuelan/Spanish dish in some shape or form similar to our polenta. In Venezuela, but not in the others two countries as far as I know, people use put also mayo inside the dough . You can fry it or boil it (in this case the name is “bojita” or something like this). We tried the second one during the Miguel’s birthday party, and we ate it with Guacamole: it was extremely good, really, even though I prefer it without mayo…frying the mayo is a little too strange for me. Here's the fryed version...

Obviously, during this months we haven't only tasted Spanish food. We have tried a lot of typical British food as well: some type of pies (often chicken and mushrooms and beef and leeks), lamb with mint sauce, jacked potat

oes, a complete British breakfast, cross buns (that usually are eaten in Easter), bagels (in the second picture), that are a kind of ring-shaped rolls often cover with seeds of different types, brownies, muffins, and I’m going to try the scones too, little sweet rolls often filled with butter, jam and clotted cream (in THIS order). They are essential part of what here is called “cream tea” and as you can see in the third picture, they looks yummy...tomorrow I'm buying them: I'll let you know what my reckon is.
1 commento:
Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.
Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Mi piace la tua idea. Offerta di mettere una discussione generale.
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